description and credits
“…wise as the serpents, simple as the doves” (matthew 10:16)
the building is categorical on its implantation, an auxiliar plot nearby the albacete station railways.
the proposal gets presence without stridencies, with discretion.
the building has to solve a multiuse program, it also has to be a very symbolical landmark.
this independent volume integration has allowed its distribution on the plot, in relation with its nearest surroundings; the highest block is situated in front of the railways, and now it’s been a referent from every point of view. the rest of the blocks, lower from the first, establish a relation with the rest of the technical buildings and help to reorder the area.
The plans show the specific interactions between the modules that compose the building. There are technological reasons for the measurement and distribution of every single space and the relation among them is not casual responding to an implicit order.
The materials are used to emphasize the character of the modules. Vertical ridges texture the concrete walls of the lower blocks and the perforated and stamped steel is reserved for the higher part, light in both senses.
The building is a new standard and benchmark to this type of building worldwide, in line with the spanish high speed railway.
client: adif
situation: railways station, albacete, spain
author: david moreno del valle (moreno del valle arquitectos, slp).
collaborators: daniel vazquez míguez, arquitecto, borja martin melchor, arquitecto, antonio pascual ciudad, iccp, jose zamora garcia, aisin simarro levia.
quantity surveyor: mariano oviedo oviedo.
engineers: javier ruiz lópez, jorge álvarez garcia, francisco garcia fernandez, carlos díaz palacios
photography: fernando alda.
construction company: thales.
built surface: 2.031,13m²
Awards: Selected project in the XI Bienal de Arquitectura Española